Video lectures – Core Concepts in Bioethics and Cultural Frameworks (CCBE)

These are only some examples of the video lectures for the above course at the American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN).

Enrolled students of AUSN gain credit hours through active live participation in classes. A list of required and elective courses for each degree program are provided in the degree program descriptions.  In addition, they receive the AUSN Video lecture Archive Sheet to record which videos they have watched for additional knowledge. For countries that do not allow Youtube access (Channel: American University of Sovereign Nations), an original file can be shared with enrolled AUSN students. Anyone can request to try out a live AUSN class for free by writing to Dr. Darryl Macer, Provost, AUSN; Email:

AUSN as an intellectual forum for intercultural dialogue upholds the value of academic freedom for all professors and students, and the views expressed in the videos are not those of AUSN. The videos are a selection of the total video archive of AUSN that supplements the contact hours provided by in-person lectures, group skype sessions, and other supervised contact at AUSN.

The course description and expected competencies for this course are provided below. Some students use these videos to prepare for the course examinations, which in AUSN are open book/open Internet exams, where students need to prepare written answers (unless there is some condition that makes an oral exam the only possibility).

Links to example video lectures from the CCBE course

CCBE2, Prof. Darryl Macer, Chapter 2 of Bioethics is Love of Life (Textbook) 

CCBE3, Prof. Darryl Macer, Chapter 3 of Bioethics is Love of Life (Textbook) 

CCBE11, Prof. Taslima Monsoor, International Humanitarian Law

CCBE18, Prof.  Miyako Takagi, Ethics of Kidney Transplants  

CCBE19, Prof. Bangook Jun, Reflection on the bone marrow donation to Sung-Duk Bauman 

CCBE20, Prof. Darryl Macer, Boundaries to Love and Animals (Bioethics is Love of Life Chapter 6) 

CCBE21, Prof. Darryl Macer, Moral Agents & Ethical Limits to Animal Use(CCIB Chapter 1.3, 1.4) 

CCBE22, Prof. Siti Nurani Noor, Malaysian Bioethics, Disputes and Leads - A Bio-historical and Authentic Perspective 

CCBE23, Prof. Lee Shui Chuen, Bioethics as Ethics of Survival: Critical Reflections on the Crisis of Global Warming 

CCBE24, Prof. Shui-Chuen Lee, Re-conception of Bioethics as Ethics of Survival: An Integration of Moral Individualism and Holism

CCBE25, Prof. Chamu Kuppuswamy, International Customary Law, and International Laws to Protect Persons from Medical Abuse

CCBE26, Prof. Rhyddhi Chakraborty, Health Capability and Public Health Disasters 

ESHB2, Prof. Soraj Hongladarom, Ethics of Robot Care for the Elderly

CCBE 28, Prof. Rowena Zoilo, Bioethics and Community Engagement in the Philippines  

ESHB3, Prof. Rae Blumberg, Created Biology of Gender Stratification: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination of a New Topic for Bioethics  

ESHB4, Prof. Darryl Macer, The Linkages of Bioethics, Public Health Ethics and Environmental Ethics 

CCBE29,  Prof. Darryl Macer, Informed Choice and Truth-telling (CCIB 4.1, 4.3) from AUSN-BBS workshop, Jan 2015. h

CCBE30, Prof. Nader Ghotbi, Justice is the Word 

CCBE31, Prof. Marlon P. Lofredo, Revisiting Parental Right and Medical Paternalism: The Charlie Gard Dilemma 

CCBE32, Prof. Anwarullah Bhuiyan, Religion Culture and Bioethics: Exploring Bangladesh  

CCBE33, Prof. Miko Ferine, Exploration of the Breaking Bad News Process: Doctor’s Experiences in Banyumas Regency, Indonesia 

CCBE34, Prof.  Irina Pollard, Bioethics and Reproductive Health Care: Biological Mechanisms – Bioethical Challenges 

CCBE35, Prof. Wen-Yu Hu, The Ethical Issues and Consideration of Terminal Care from Research, Education and Practice Aspects

CCBE36, Prof. Dr.  Wen-Yu Hu, Nursing Professional Role in Clinical Trials and Palliative Care  

CCBE37, Prof. Duujian Tsai, Challenges of Smart Technology on Clinical Bioethics  

CCBE38, Prof. Aruna Sivakami, Animal rights and Animal Cloning

CCBE39, Prof. Darryl Macer, Love of Life and the Linkages of Bioethics, Public Health Ethics and Environmental Ethics: What a Bioethics Degree can do?  

CCBE41, Prof. Dr. Darryl Macer, Global Bioethics and AUSN (In Turkey) 

CCBE42, Prof. Shui-cheun Lee, On the Possibility of a Global Bioethics: A Tribute to Professor Hugo Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. (ABC19) 

CCBE43, Prof. Ryo Takahashi,, The Science, Philosophy and Bioethics of Gerontology in the Context of Our Future 

CCBE44, Prof. Manjae Kim, Changing Perception of Cosmetic Surgery & Ethical Considerations in Korea 


Course details

Course Objectives: This course is an overview which aims to show that bioethics is not about thinking that we can always find one correct solution to ethical problems. There can be different choices made after ethical reflection, and different people make different decisions. Fundamental ethical principles can aid decision-making. Bioethics is learning how to balance different benefits, risks and duties, and to live in consensus with others of different moral conclusions.

Course Purpose: The purpose of this course is to provide the student with the foundations and principles of bioethics across the world.  It will introduce descriptive, prescriptive, interactive and practical bioethics, through the principles accepted in the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (including the UNESCO Core Curriculum in Bioethics). Some particular themes that see different policies between countries and over time will be introduced, such as the refusal of life-sustaining treatment, physician-assisted suicide, organ transplantation, abortion, the balance between individual liberty and protection of the public health, access to health care and rationing of health care. Visiting professors from different cultures will present cases related to the core topics, to supplement the main faculty.

Topics that are covered:

1. Making Choices, Diversity and Bioethics

2. Ethics in History and Love of Life

3. Moral agents

4. Ethical limits of Animal Use

5. Autonomy, Patients' rights and duties

6. Theories in bioethics

7. Doctor-patient relationships

8. Medical ethics

9. Informed consent and Informed Choice

10. Justice and Love of Others; Rights to health care and distribution of health care resources

11. Medical ethics, culture and health

12. Bioethics of Love of Life

13. Definition of death

14. Organ procurement and transplantation

15. Ethical issues in medical research, Ethics committees

16. History of Bioethics

17. Justice, Culture

18. Confidentiality

19. Initiation and termination of medical treatment

20. Telling the Truth about Terminal Cancer

21. Euthanasia, End-of-life care

22. Ethics of Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technologies

23. Universal Declaration on the Bioethics and Human Rights

24. Neurosciences


1. Identify ethical dilemmas through different lens, including those of gender lens, ability studies, and the perspectives of indigenous communities.

2. Apply the principles in the UNESCO Bioethics Core Curriculum to real situations.

3. Think and write critically about these issues from the perspectives of Indigenous Peoples and Global Studies.

4. Apply knowledge of cultural values in different communities to bioethical dilemmas.

5. Understand types of Bioethics Committees, procedures and processes.

6. Access relevant ethics literature, policies, guidelines, and standards.

7. Apply basic principles of ethical analysis to issues of public health practice and policy.