Honor code

All AUSN students, staff, research fellows, and faculty are required to read and familiarize themselves with the AUSN Honor Code (AUSN-Honor-Code).

The American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN) believes that all AUSN students, staff, research fellows, and faculty should exhibit proper ethical and honorable conduct at all times. The need to maintain a high level of professional competence and integrity is recognized by virtually all members of the learned professions. Accordingly, all students, staff, research fellows, and faculty of AUSN are expected to maintain the highest order of ethical conduct, honesty, and integrity and engage in conduct beyond reproach at all times.

AUSN directs and governs the moral responsibility and ethical conduct that is expected of each and every student at AUSN. Accordingly, each and every student enrolled in any academic or educational program at AUSN is subject to the AUSN Honor Code.

AUSN desires to at all times maintain the highest standards of ethics, conduct, scholarship, and leadership. Any violation of the AUSN Honor Code are grounds for dismissal from the American University of Sovereign Nations or grounds for preclusion of graduation. It is our intent that individuals bound by the Honor Code can therefore operate in an atmosphere of mutual confidence, trust, respect, dignity, academic freedom, and honesty.

Inquiries can be made to Professor Darryl Macer, Ph.D. (Cantab), Email: provost@ausovereignnations.org.