Nineteenth International Public Health Ambassador Conference, 4-7 February 2022 (Virtual) Eighteenth International Public Health Ambassador Conference, 5-7 November 2021 (Virtual) Twenty First Asian Bioethics Conference: Bioethics in the COVID-19 Era, 29 August – 2 September 2021 Seventeenth International Public Health Ambassador Conference, 28-29 May 2021 (Virtual) Sixteenth International Public Health Ambassador Conference, 22-25 April 2021 (Virtual) Fifteenth International Public Health Ambassador Conference, 5-7 March 2021 (Virtual) ![]() Fourteenth International Public Health Ambassador Conference, 5-7 February 2021 (Virtual) Thirteenth International Public Health Ambassador Conference, 6-9 January 2021 (Virtual) Twelfth International Public Health Ambassador Conference, 9-12 December 2020 (Virtual) Eleventh International Public Health Ambassador Conference, 5-7 November 2020 (Virtual) Tenth International Public Health Ambassador Conference, 1-3 October 2020 (Virtual) Ninth International Public Health Ambassador Conference, 3-5 September 2020 (Virtual) Eighth International Public Health Ambassador Conference, 1-2 August 2020 (Virtual) ![]() Seventh International Public Health Ambassador Conference, 15-16 July 2020 (Virtual) Sixth International Public Health Ambassador Conference, 25-26 June 2020 (Virtual)Open Meeting of the World Emergency COVID19 Pandemic Ethics Committee, 20 June 2020 Bioethics Education Network Meeting (International Association of Bioethics, IAB) during the 15th World Congress of Bioethics. 21 June 2020. Genetics and Ethics Network Meeting (International Association of Bioethics, IAB) during the 15th World Congress of Bioethics. 20 June 2020. Fifth International Public Health Ambassador Conference, 4-5 June 2020 (Virtual)Fourth International Public Health Ambassador Conference, 9 May 2020 (Virtual) Third International Public Health Ambassador Conference, 30 April 2020 (Virtual) (Proceedings as pdf file) Second International Public Health Ambassador Conference, 9 April 2020 (Virtual) (Proceedings as pdf file) First International Public Health Ambassador Conference, 26 March 2020 (Virtual) (Proceedings as pdf file) Joint SHRG-AUSN Workshop on the Need for a Comprehensive United Nations Declaration on Diversity, 8 March 2020, Norwood Hall, Southall, London, UKJoint SHRG-AUSN Worldviews of Nature: Indigenous Knowledge Systems as an Environmental Right, 7 March 2020, Norwood Hall, Southall, London, UK (Preparatory Workshop to develop a Proposed COP26 Satellite Workshop) AUSN Sustainable Development, Bioethics, Education, Peace and Cross Cultural Dialogue Conference, 22-24 February 2020, Huntington Beach, Los Angeles, USA (Followed by Arizona Bioethics Conference, 25-28 February 2020). Cross-cultural Bioethics and Consensus Building in Troubled Times? Engineering our Genes, Societies and Environment: 8th Joint American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN), Center of Ethics of Science and Technology, Chulalongkorn University Bioethics Roundtable, Bangkok, Thailand. 28-30 November 2019. Agenda Twentieth Asian Bioethics Conference (ABC20), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 22-25 November 2019. Joint AUSN-Tohoku University Bioethics Roundtable: Bioethics in a Broken World, Sendai, Japan, 24-27 August 2019. | ) |
The Power of Youth to Overcome Hate: 17th Youth Peace Ambassador and Bioethics Training Workshop (YPA17) 14-21 July 2019, Southwest USA Ethical Disaster Resilience for our Global Community: Tenth Youth Looking Beyond Disaster (LBD10) Training Workshop BETIM, Istanbul, Turkey, 12-15 April 2019 | |
AUSN-USJR Bioethics Seminar, USJR, Cebu, the Philippines, 6 March 2019. | |
AUSN Seminar on Science, Philosophy and Bioethics and the ethos of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 3 March 2019.
Seventh Joint AUSN-Chulalongkorn University Bioethics Workshop, Chulalongkorn University,Thailand; 31 January-2 February 2019 Intercontinental Summit on Human Gene Editing and Human Genetic Engineering, 30 January 2019, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. A Joint Event of American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN) and Chulalongkorn University.Joint All India Association of Bioethics (AIBA)-AUSN Bioethics, Sustainability and Global Health Training Workshop, 8-10 December 2018, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Partners included: Accredited Universities of Sovereign Nations, All India Association of Bioethics (AIBA), American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN), Loyola ICAM College of Engineering and Technology (LICET), Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS), Madras University, Eubios Ethics Institute. Twelfth Kumamoto University and AUSN International Bioethics Roundtable (KBRT12):Bioethics in the 21st Century, 1-2 December 2018, Kumamoto University, Japan Nineteenth Asian Bioethics Conference (ABC19): Bioethics for Smart Living in Asia and Beyond: Taiwan as a hub for nurturing international partnerships and sustainable practices, 13-16 November 2018, Kaohsung and Pingtung, Taiwan. African Asian Bioethics Forum Honouring Nelson Mandela (and the Sixteenth Youth Peace Ambassador Training Workshop (YPA16), 22 – 24 August 2018, Centre in Indigenous Knowledge Systems (CIKS), University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville Campus, Durban, South Africa. AUSN Youth, Bioethics, Peace and Community Leadership Training Workshop (and the Fifteenth Youth Peace Ambassador Training Workshop (YPA15), 14-18 August 2018, California and Arizona. Joint Bangladesh Bioethics Society (BBS)-AUSN Bioethics and Academic Integrity Training Workshop,3-5 August 2018, National Heart Foundation,Dhaka, Bangladesh. AUSN-Chulalongkorn University Bioethics and Leadership Training Conference, 1 August 2018, Bangkok, Thailand. Asia-Pacific Youth Peace Ambassadors Summit: Fourteenth Youth Peace Ambassador Training Workshop (YPA14), 27-29 July 2018, Bicol University, Legapzi, the Philippines Joint USJR-AUSN Bioethics, Sustainability amd Public Health Workshop, 26 July 2018, University of San Jose-Recoletos (USJR), Cebu, the Philippines. AUSN Bioethics, Sustainability and Global Public Health Conference, 17-19 July 2018, Yangon, Myanmar. AUSN Training Workshop on Ethics and Professional Responsibility, 6-7 June 2018, Cambridge, EnglandJoint SHRG-AUSN Training Workshop on Ethics and Professional Responsibility: Bioethics, Law and Love in a Pluralistic World, 8-10 June 2018, London, England. Partners include: Sikh Human Rights Group (SHRG), Accredited Universities of Sovereign Nations, American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN), Eubios Ethics Institute. Bioethics, Technology and Indigenous Peoples: Protecting our Health and the Environment for our Common Future, 14-15 April 2018, Tokyo and Yokohama, Japan. Joint AUSN – Chulalongkorn University Intensive Bioethics, Sustainability, Peace and Global Public Health Training Workshop, Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Building, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 5-7 March 2018. Joint Workshop between American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN), Center for Ethics of Science and Technology, Chulalongkorn University, Eubios Ethics Institute, International Peace and Development Ethics Center. AUSN Intensive Bioethics and Global Public Health Training Workshop, Hotel Mountain View, Kathmandu, Nepal, 1-3 March 2018.Joint Workshop between American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN); Youth’s UNESCO Club; Medical Laboratory Association of Nepal; and Eubios Ethics Institute. | |
Joint AUSN-DGHS-BBS Intensive Bioethics and Research Ethics Workshop, 3-5 December 2017. Directorate General of Health Sciences (DGHS), Dhaka, Bangladesh. Joint AUSN-AIUB Bioethics and Global Public Health Workshop, 2 December 2017, American International University of Bangladesh (AIUB), Dhaka, Bangladesh.Eleventh Kumamoto University and AUSN International Bioethics Roundtable: Philosophy and practice of bioethics across and between cultures 18-19 November 2017, Kumamoto University, Japan(Agenda, pdf), Joint AUSN-KAIST International Conference on Ethical Policy, Science and Technology at KAIST, 30 October – 2 November 2017, Daejoon, Republic of Korea (Agenda, pdf file) Organisers: Graduate Program in Science and Technology Policy (STP) at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Daejoon; American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN), in cooperation with Youth’s UNESCO Club, Nepal; Eubios Ethics Institute, New Zealand, Japan and Thailand; and United Nations Academic Impact. Joint AUSN-Gangneung-Wonju (GWNU) National University Bioethics Conference, 28-30 October 2017, Gangneung, Republic of Korea (Agenda, pdf file) Organisers: Gangneung-Wonju National University (GWNU), American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN), Asian Bioethics Association, Eubios Ethics Institute, Youth’s UNESCO Club, Nepal in cooperation with the Korean Bioethics Association. Eighteenth Asian Bioethics Conference: The Future of Bioethics and Healthcare (ABC18), 25-27 October 2017, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Abstract book (pdf)Joint AUSN, Center for Ethics of Science and Technology, and Eubios Ethics Institute Roundtable and Training Workshop: Bioethics and Global Policy in Action, 18-24 October 2017, Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Building, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok and International Peace and Development Ethics Center @ Kaeng Krachan, Thailand International Bioethics Roundtable: Bioethics Across and Between Continents and Peoples for the Betterment of All, 2-5 September 2017, AUSN, Arizona, USA (agenda pdf file)Joint AUSN-Bangladesh Society of Bioethics Intensive Bioethics Training Course and AUSN Graduation, 15-16 July 2017 IEDCR, Dhaka, Bangladesh (agenda pdf file) in collaboration with DGHS, Ministry of Health, Bangladesh. Intensive Course on Research Ethics Committees and Bioethics, 10-12 July 2017, University of San Jose-Recoletos with Visayas Mindanao Consortium, Cebu, the Philippines Intensive Bioethics Forum, 6 July 2017, Catanduanes State University, Virac, the Philippines Intensive Bioethics Forum,8 July 2017, Bicol University, Legapzi, the Philippines Social Work, Human Security, Bioethics and Human Ability, 1 July 2017, UKM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (agenda pdf file) in collaboration with Asia-Pacific Forum for Ethics and Social JusticeBioethics, Law, and Society: Joint AUSN, Center for Ethics of Science and Technology, and Eubios Ethics Institute Conference, 24-26 June 2017 International Peace Park@kaeng Krachan and Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand (Draft agenda pdf file). International Responses to Disasters of Nature and Human Behaviour: Bioethics, Indigenous People and Justice, Norwood Hall, London, England, 11-13 February 2017 (pdf file, agenda) Joint AUSN, Center for Ethics of Science and Technology, and Eubios Ethics Institute Roundtable and Conference: Bioethics, Development Ethics, and Global Policy into Action, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand , 25 January 2017 (agenda pdf file) Tenth Kumamoto University – AUSN Bioethics Roundtable: Bioethics and Conflict Resolution in the Age of Advanced Technology, Kumamoto, Japan. 19-21 November 2016. Disaster Ethics and Ninth Looking Beyond Disaster (LBD9) 21-22 November in Kumamoto. Agenda (pdf file agenda). Seventeenth Asian Bioethics Conference: Towards a peaceful world: Asian initiatives for bioethics in trans-cultural settings, Alana Yogyakarta Hotel and Convention Center, Jogyakarta, Indonesia, 14-17 Nov, 2016 meeting of Asian Bioethics Association (ABA); in conjunction with the 8th Conference of the Indonesian Bioethics and Humanities Association, 12-13 Nov, 2016. In cooperation with the UGM, National Bioethics Commission of Indonesia, ABA, AUSN, Eubios Ethics Institute among others. Information (pdf file) Joint Perdana-USM-AUSN Intensive Bioethics Course on Teaching, Manuscript and Thesis Writing Training, Perdana University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 9-11 November 2016. (Registration and Draft Agenda pdf of 25 Oct) Youth as Agents of Change and Resilience: 13th Youth Peace Ambassador (YPA13) Training Workshop, Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific (MAAP), Bataan, the Philippines, 2-7 November 2016 (Agenda pdf ). Youth as Agents of Change One Day event, Baguio City, the Philippines, 29 October 2016. jpeg file. Joint AUSN-Bicol University Conference on Global alternative technologies in education (GATE C) Conference with focus on extension, research and extension, the Philippines, 26-28 October 2016. Call for Papers and Registration (pdf) AUSN Intensive Workshop on Bioethics for Global Peace, Southall, London, England, 24 September 2016. AUSN Intensive Bioethics, IKS and Public Health Course, 15 September 2016, Durban, South Africa. The eThekwini Municipality Municipal Institute for Learning (MILE), DST-NRF-IKS Centre in UKZN in partnership with the American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN), USA and Eubios Ethics Institute, (EEI) Thailand. Announcement (pdf), Agenda (pdf).Reconnecting with Nature and Community to Transform Ourselves and the World:12th Youth Peace Ambassador (YPA12) Training Workshop (Part 2), AUSN, San Carlos, Arizona, 20-24 August 2016. Reconnecting with Nature and Community to Transform Ourselves and the World: 12th Youth Peace Ambassador (YPA12) Training Workshop, AUSN, San Carlos, Arizona, 23-27 July 2016. Draft agenda (pdf). Second International Congress of Bioethics IIB 2016, Fifth AUSN-IIB Conference on Bioethics, Public Health and Peace Indigenous peoples and intensive Joint workshop. Insitute for Investigation in Bioethics (IIB), Monterrey, Mexico, 4-9 July 2016. Agenda (pdf). Joint AUSN – Chulalongkorn University Intensive Environmental Ethics and Ethics of Science and Technology Conference. 13-19 June 2016, Thailand. Agenda (pdf file) Joint AUSN-Turkish Bioethics Association Intensive Bioethics Training Conference: Bioethics Empowering the Public and Professionals, Ankara, Turkey 5-7 June 2016; Sanliurfa 8-10 June 2016; and Istanbul! Agenda (pdf file) (agenda and links file). The Ankara training was concurrent with the Annual Conference of the Turkish Bioethics Association (3-5 June 2016). Fourth Joint AUSN-IIB International Conference on Bioethics: Public Health, Peace and Indigenous People, AUSN, Scottsdale and San Carlos, Arizona, USA, 5-8 May 2016 (pdf file) AUSN Intensive Peace, Bioethics, Sustainability and Global Public Health Summit concurrent with the Eighth Youth Looking Beyond Disaster (LBD8), and Eleventh Youth Peace Ambassador (YPA11) Training Workshop AUSN-Chulalongkorn University and International Peace Park @Kaeng Krachan, Thailand, 3-9 February 2016. Agenda (pdf file) Joint AUSN-Bangladesh Bioethics Society Intensive Bioethics Training Workshop, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 11-14 February 2016. Chief Guest: H.E. Hasanul Haq Inu, M.P., Honorable Minister, Ministry of Information, People’s Republic of Bangladesh (pdf file)International Workshop on the Environment as an Essence of Ourselves – Human relationships to Nature versus our Demand for Materials 29 January 2016, AUSN Arizona Agenda (pdf file) Ninth Kumamoto University – AUSN Bioethics Roundtable: Bioethics and Conflict Resolution: Dialogues for our Sustainable Future (KBRT9), 5 – 7 December 2015, Kumamoto, Japan. Draft agenda(pdf). Ethics and Public Health in the Americas and Asia, 28 November 2015, AUSN Arizona. Joint Workshop of AUSN and ASU Lincoln Center of Ethics (agenda pdf). Part of the AUSN Intensive Bioethics and Public Health Training, 26-29 November 2015; AUSN Arizona, USA. The 16th Asian Bioethics Conference (ABC16) 3-8 November 2015, St. Paul’s University – Quezon City, Manila, the Philippines. Draft agenda The St. Paul University Quezon City and SPC Healthcare Ministry, the Asian Bioethics Association (ABA), Eubios Ethics institute and American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN), organised the 16th Asian Bioethics Conference. This training also counted as credit for AUSN Certificates and Degrees, and five AUSN Masters Students had their public defense there. Joint Intensive Bioethics Course, in collaboration between American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN) and the Department of Science and Technology Studies, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, 1 November 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Seventh Youth Looking Beyond Disaster Forum (LBD7)27-31 October 2015, Kathmandu, Nepal. Organized by Youth’s UNESCO Club, Nepal, Eubios Ethics Institute and AUSN. This training also counted as credit for AUSN Certificates and Degrees. AUSN – Eubios Sixth Youth Looking Beyond Disaster Forum (LBD6) AUSN, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, 17-22 June 2015 and 16-19 July 2015 Inquiries to This training also counted as credit for AUSN Certificates and Degrees. Tenth International Youth Peace Ambassador (YPA10) Training Workshop Faculty of Medicine Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto, Indonesia, 20-24 May 2015 AND Peace Generation Indonesia (PeaceGen), Bandung, Indonesia, 24-25 May 2015 Also held with the AUSN-UNSOED Intensive Bioethics and Ability Studies Course, Purwokerto, Indonesia, 18-20 May 2015. This training counted as 3 credit hours for the MBGPH or MPH Combination (Hybrid) degree, and one of three required residential Intensive Training Programs to graduate from the MBGPH or MPH programs. UNU-IAS / Kumamoto University Second Joint Workshop on Finding Future Visions for a Sustainable World: Dialogue Methodology for Social Change, United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan, 6-8 May 2015. Joint Institution for Investigation in Bioethics (IIB) –AUSN Intensive Training Workshop on Bioethics Investigation in Bioethics (IIB), Monterrey, Mexico, 20-25 April 2015. This training counted as 3 credit hours for the MBGPH or MPH Combination (Hybrid) degree, and one of three required residential Intensive Training Programs to graduate from the MBGPH or MPH programs. Second AUSN Conference on Bioethics, Public Health and Peace for Indigenous Peoples 11 March 2015, Santiago, Chile Held in cooperation with the Universidad del Desarrollo. Applications to: Prof. Darryl Macer, Email: A yahoo list serve is open for anyone interested in these issues, following the First Conference held in Mexico in June 2014; please email to AUSN Intensive Conference in Bioethics AUSN, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, 29 January – 7 February 2015. Joint Chulalongkorn University –AUSN Intensive Training Workshop on Ethics of Science and Technology: Preparing Professionals for Ethical Science Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 8-10 January 2015. Click here for Conference Details Joint AUSN – Bangladesh Bioethics Society Intensive Training Workshop on Bioethics and Research: Preparing Ethical Professionals Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2-4 January 2015. Click here for Conference Detail The 15th Asian Bioethics Conference – The 15th conference of the Asian Bioethics Association (ABA) Beppu, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Japan, 1-9 November 2014, Joint AUSN-UNSOED Intensive Training Course in Bioethics, UNSOED, Purwokerto, Indonesia, 9-11 September, 2014 The University Gadjah Mada – Eubios Youth Looking Beyond Disaster Forum (LBD5), University Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 3-8 September, 2014.The action plans and agenda is on Ninth International Youth Peace Ambassador Training Workshop (YPA9) AUSN, Scottsdale, San Carlos Apache nation, Navajo nation, Arizona, USA, 21-28 August 2014. The action plans and agenda is on First AUSN Conference on Bioethics, Public Health and Peace for Indigenous Peoples 28 June 2014 (9:00-18:00) UNAM University Cultural Center in Tlatelolco, Mexico City, Mexico A yahoo list serve is open for anyone interested in these issues please email to Seventh International Youth Peace Ambassador Training Workshop (YPA7), Kathmandu and Lumbini, Nepal 19-25 January 2014 The St. Paul University Quezon City– Eubios Youth Looking Beyond Disaster Forum (LBD4)will be hosted by St. Paul’s University, Manila, Philippines (27-31 March 2014). Humans and Nature: Love and Hate? World Views of Nature Workshop 9th November, 2013, 10am–3pm, Norwood Hall, Norwood Green Rd, Southall, UB2 4LA, England. The 14th Asian Bioethics Conference – The 14th conference of the Asian Bioethics Association (ABA). 19-23 November 2013. Chennai, India University of Hyogo – Third Youth Forum Looking Beyond Disaster (LBD3) 8-11 September 2013, Kobe, Japan Indonesian Youth Community and Peace (YPA and LBD network) Workshop 2-3 September 2013, UGM and JSU, Jogyakarta, Indonesia AUSN-UNSOED Joint Workshop on Bioethics Teaching 31 August 2013, Purwokerto, Indonesia, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Indonesia Japanese Youth Peace Workshop: Bioethics for the Future. 27 August 2013. United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), Yokohama, Japan Sixth Youth , ace Ambassador International Training Workshop (YPA6)25 May – 2 June, 2013, Bangkok and Kaeng Krachan, Thailand. UNU-Kumamoto University Workshop on Finding Future Visions of our World: A Sustainable Japan and the World —Dialogue Methodology for Social Change for A Sustainable Future, 8-10 May 2013, UNU-IAS, Yokohama, Japan. |