These are only some examples of the video lectures for the above course at the American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN).
Enrolled students of AUSN gain credit hours through active live participation in classes. A list of required and elective courses for each degree program are provided in the degree program descriptions. In addition, they receive the AUSN Video lecture Archive Sheet to record which videos they have watched for additional knowledge. For countries that do not allow Youtube access (Channel: American University of Sovereign Nations), an original file can be shared with enrolled AUSN students. Anyone can request to try out a live AUSN class for free by writing to Dr. Darryl Macer, Provost, AUSN; Email:
AUSN as an intellectual forum for intercultural dialogue upholds the value of academic freedom for all professors and students, and the views expressed in the videos are not those of AUSN. The videos are a selection of the total video archive of AUSN that supplements the contact hours provided by in-person lectures, group skype sessions, and other supervised contact at AUSN.
The course description and expected competencies for this course are provided below. Some students use these videos to prepare for the course examinations, which in AUSN are open book/open Internet exams, where students need to prepare written answers (unless there is some condition that makes an oral exam the only possibility).
Links to example video lectures from the CRPJ course
CRPJ1, Prof. John LaMuth, Vices and Virtues for Peace
CRPJ2, Prof. Tsuyoshi Awaya, Bioethics Without National Borders: We Must Not Misjudge the Nature of a Conflict Between Nations
CRPJ3, Prof. Aruna Sivakami, Management of Environment and Balancing of Ecology with Public policy and Administration in India (ABC19)
CRPJ5, Prof. Kayo Uejima, Governance of CPRs (Common Pool Resources) in Aso area
CRPJ6, Prof. Keichiro Komatsu, Coming Global Risks and Proposal for Solution
CRPJ7, Prof. S. Pannerselvam, Phenomology of Consciousness: Western and Asian Perspectives
CRPJ8, Prof. S. Pannerselvam, Human Dignity in Philosophical Discourse
CRPJ9, Prof. ASM Anwarullah Bhuiyan, Terrorism, Life, Dignity, and the Defense of Tolerance: Challenges for Bioethics in the 21st Century
CRPJ10, Prof. ASM Anwarullah Bhuiyan, Bioethics, culture and religion in Bangladesh
CRPJ11, Prof. S. Pannerselvam, Culture, Religion and Bioethics of India
CRPJ12, Prof. Darryl R.J. Macer, Legacies of Love, Peace and Hope: How Bioethics Education can overcome Hatred and Divide
CRPJ18, Prof. Darryl Macer, Legacies of Love, Peace and Hope: How Education can overcome Hatred and Divide
CRPJ13, Prof. Chutatip Umavijani, Peace of Mind and the Broken World
CRPJ14, Prof. Richard Evanoff, Metaphilosophy and Intercultural Dialogue on Bioethics
CRPJ15, Prof. Aruna Sivakami, Religious tolerance, bioethics: Hindus, Muslims and Christians living together in India
CRPJ16, Prof. Farid Ahmed, Reflections on the Christchurch Mosque Attack and Islamic Philosophy
CRPJ17, Prof. Ravichandran Moorthy, Bioethics Principles in Value Based Education: Agencies to Mitigate Hatred and Divide
CRPJ18, Prof. Darryl Macer, Exploring the Castillo Chapultepec, National Museum of History, Mexico
CRPJ19, Prof. Darryl Macer, Exploring London National Army Museum in Kensington
CRPJ20, Prof. Darryl Macer, Exploring the United Nations in Geneva, Palais of Nations, Red Cross, Gardens
Course details
Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are to introduce conflict resolution, peace-making and justice in global understanding.
Course Purpose: To explore the linkages between conflict resolution, peace-making and justice as vehicles for greater global understanding.
Topics that are covered:
1. Peace
2. Conflict
3. Inter-religious
4. Inter-cultural concepts
5.Philosophical foundations
6. Conflict Resolution
7. Peace-making
8. Justice
9. Human rights
10. Global Understanding
11. Sanctions
12. Bioethical traditions
13. Community engagement
14. Environment