Video lectures – Essentials of Health Behavior (ESHB)

These are only some examples of the video lectures for the above course at the American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN).

Enrolled students of AUSN gain credit hours through active live participation in classes. A list of required and elective courses for each degree program are provided in the degree program descriptions.  In addition, they receive the AUSN Video lecture Archive Sheet to record which videos they have watched for additional knowledge. For countries that do not allow Youtube access (Channel: American University of Sovereign Nations), an original file can be shared with enrolled AUSN students. Anyone can request to try out a live AUSN class for free by writing to Dr. Darryl Macer, Provost, AUSN; Email:

AUSN as an intellectual forum for intercultural dialogue upholds the value of academic freedom for all professors and students, and the views expressed in the videos are not those of AUSN. The videos are a selection of the total video archive of AUSN that supplements the contact hours provided by in-person lectures, group skype sessions, and other supervised contact at AUSN.

The course description and expected competencies for this course are provided below. Some students use these videos to prepare for the course examinations, which in AUSN are open book/open Internet exams, where students need to prepare written answers (unless there is some condition that makes an oral exam the only possibility).

Links to example video lectures from the ESHB course

ESHB1, Prof. Atsushi Asai, Hope for the best and prepare for the worst: A study on ethical concerns related to the introduction of healthcare artificial intelligence in Japan 

ESHB2, Prof. Osama Rajhkan, The 9  Transformations of Health and Fitness: Rationality and morality adequate to meet Human Need in the  21st century

ESHB3, Prof. Darryl Macer, Global Bioethics and AUSN (Turkey) 

CCBE2, Prof. Darryl Macer, Chapter 2 of Bioethics is Love of Life (Textbook) 

CCBE3, Prof. Darryl Macer, Chapter 3 of Bioethics is Love of Life (Textbook) 

CCBE22, Prof. Siti Nurani Noor, Malaysian Bioethics, Disputes and Leads - A Bio-historical and Authentic Perspective 

CCBE23, Prof. Lee Shui Chuen, Bioethics as Ethics of Survival: Critical Reflections on the Crisis of Global Warming 

CCBE24, Prof. Shui-Chuen Lee, Re-conception of Bioethics as Ethics of Survival: An Integration of Moral Individualism and Holism

CCBE25, Prof. Chamu Kuppuswamy, International Customary Law, and International Laws to Protect Persons from Medical Abuse

CCBE26, Prof. Rhyddhi Chakraborty, Health Capability and Public Health Disasters 

CCBE27, Prof. Jasdev Rai, Organ Trade and Ethics of Organ Transplantation in India 

ESHB8, Prof. Soraj Hongladarom, Ethics of Robot Care for the Elderly

ESHB3, Prof. Rae Blumberg, Created Biology of Gender Stratification: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination of a New Topic for Bioethics  

ESHB4, Prof. Darryl Macer, The Linkages of Bioethics, Public Health Ethics and Environmental Ethics 


Course details

Course Objectives: The objectives of this course include to present to the student a general framework of the pertinent subject matters of health behavior and how they affect the public’s health through their interaction with the individual in the community.

Course Purpose: The purpose of this course is to provide the student the groundwork for understanding, assessing, and effectively applying theories of human behavior within the practice of public health and to help the student understand how health promotion, education, and prevention programs ultimately focus on changing health behavior.

Topics that are covered:

1.Behavior and Moral Choices

2. Social/Behavioral Theory and its Roots

3. Moral Theory

4. Doctor-patient relationships

5. Informed consent and Informed Choice

6. Confidentiality

7. International Norms

8. Neurosciences

9. Inclusion, Altruism and Beneficence

10. Behavior and education

11. Individual, Group and Tribal Identity


1). Identify the role of social and community factors in both the onset and solution of public health problems.

2). Examine racial and ethnic disparities within the context of historic and contemporary social and economic climates.

3). Recognize the causes of social and behavioral factors that affect health of individuals and populations. Identify basic theories, concepts and models from a range of social and behavioral disciplines that are used in public health research and practice.

4). Understand the causes of disparities in disease risk, access and utilization of preventive and health care services and health outcomes.

5). Identify individual, organizational and community concerns, assets, resources and deficits for social and behavioral science interventions.

6) Access relevant literature, policies, guidelines, and standards. Apply evidence-based approaches in the development and evaluation of social and behavioral science assessments and interventions.

7) Identify multiple targets and levels of intervention for social and behavioral science programs and/or policies through different lens, including those of gender lens, ability studies, and the perspectives of indigenous communities.