Please join our events!
18th Youth Peace Ambassador Training Workshop (YPA18): Constructing Peace to Overcome a Culture of Fear, Pandemic and War, 4-9 April 2024, Tarzana, Los Angeles, USA |
Download the latest Call for Papers and Information (pdf file) and the Registration form (Word and pdf).
There are associated Art, Music and Composition Competitions for Peace and STEM.
Concurrent with the 20th International Public Health Ambassador (IPHA20) Conference : Bioethics, Health and War(4-6 April 2024) Register and submit your abstracts (300 words) by Email to Prof. Darryl Macer, Email: |
Agents of Change
Since 2010 Eubios Ethics Institute has convened thirty youth training forums to work together with Youth as Agents of Change for Social Transformation all around the world, starting under the auspices of UNESCO in Hiroshima, then Phnom Penh, and across many spaces in Asia, the Pacific, Africa, Europe, the Middle East and the Americas. Dr. Darryl Macer started these trainings while serving as UNESCO Regional Advisor for Asia and the Pacific. The need for transformation from a culture of fear to a culture of peace is sadly just as necessary now as it was then. The words of Gandhi to be the change you want to see in the world are eternal and need to be fostered.
These forums are the Youth Peace Ambassadors (YPA) International and the Youth Looking Beyond Disaster (LBD). Most participants develop action plans that after implementation and sharing of their experiences will qualify the trainee as an “Ambassador”. The first UNESCO Youth Ambassadors were awarded in March 2011, and a list of the names and countries of some of these Ambassadors under this program, and their action plans, are found on the Youth Ambassadors page. Importantly we want the actions to also serve their local community, as part of a glocal approach to social development.
You can participate in several ways…
Please read the background information below before making an inquiry or application to attend (the overall dates are: 4-9 April 2024).
1) YPA18 will provide some background presentations, and develop skills to develop your action plans to make a difference in specific communities that you choose. We expect action plans to be developed and/or refined so that appropriate partners can be found to provide all the necessary aspects (including making the case to potential sponsors in your local community). Even if all you have is an idea, we will help you to develop this.
2) IPHA20 will provide opportunities for presentations in person and on-line, addressing the research-policy nexus on the themes of Bioethics, Health, and War. Bioethics is defined as the love of life.
3) In parallel throughout these overlapping events there will be an exhibition of art, and other creative projects of youth all around the world on the themes of peace and war, climate change and sustainability, and construction of peace. Submission of creative work is open to anybody and includes persons from many conflict zones such as Palestine, Israel, Ukraine, Sudan, DRC, Myanmar, and so on, and persons from many places and spaces on our planet. More information about this global school competition and individual art festival will be provided separately, along with the way that your art, prose, music, and other creative works will be judged if you enter it in the competition. A global panel of judges will also give feedback.
The partners currently include a number of registered non-profit organizations: Youth’s UNESCO Club (both Nepal and USA branches), American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN); Eubios Ethics Institute (New Zealand and Japan); Philippine Association of Extension Program Implementers, Inc (PAEPI), St. Paul’s University Quezon City (SPUQC), Youth Looking Beyond Disaster (LBD), Youth Peace Ambassadors International (YPA), the World is Just a Book Away (WIJABA, USA and Indonesia); and Maritime Academy of Asia & the Pacific (MAAP); and World Nepal News. More are welcome.
Who can apply ?
The program is open to all persons of any age anywhere, and the YPA Ambassador program is open to you if you define yourself as youth. We have no cutoff age for “youth” as a number of countries in Asia and Africa are more inclusive than the stricter UN definition up to the age of 24.
There is no specific required qualification to join, but currently, the training is delivered in English language. Our mentors and judges are fluent in many languages. Individuals can join together with others to develop and implement an action plan to help a community (At least one of the team members should be present in person).
There are a minimum of 48 contact hours of training required to become an Ambassador, in addition to the time spent in design, implementation, community service and evaluation. We suggest that you will join some online preliminary programs before the specific dates, for preregistered participants. Upon completion, a Certificate will be issued.
Confirmed speakers include:
Prof. Dr. Darryl Macer, President, American University of Sovereign Nations, New Zealand; Director, Eubios Ethics Institute; Former UNESCO Regional Adviser
Mr. Rimesh Khanal, President, Youth’s UNESCO Club, USA
Prof. Dr. Suma Parahakaran, Dean, American University of Sovereign Nations, Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Angelica Baylon, External Relations Director, Maritime Academy of Asia & the Pacific (MAAP) -AMOSUP-PTGWO-ITF, Bataan, the Philippines
Dr. Endreya McCabe, Quality Performance Manager, Indian Health Service Phoenix Medical Center, Delaware Nation
Prof. Dr. Nilza Maria Diniz (University of Londrina, Brazil)
Prof. Christine Reidhead, Dean, Business School, Navajo Technical University, Navajo Nation, USA
Prof. Dr. James Owens, Founder and Executive Director, World is Just a Book Away (WIJABA), USA
Dr. Madelyn Menor, SPQC, the Philippines
Ms. Amber Voûte, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Mr. Muhammad Rezki Achyana, Youth Peace Ambassador, Indonesia
Dr. Maria Enow Ayuk, Youth Peace Ambassador, Youth Renaissance Africa, Cameroon; Germany
Ma. Lourdes Apodaca, SPQC, the Philippines
Angelyn Anastacio, RN, SPQC, the Philippines
Dr. Leandro Estadilla, SPQC, the Philippines
Mrs. Krishma Thokar, NELTA Life Member, Secretary of RCDC Nepal and Permanent Government teacher at Subarneshowar Basic School Bhaktapur, Nepal
Dr. Marites Fontanilla, SPQC, the Philippines
Dr. Jocelyn Sardenia, SPQC, the Philippines
Mr. Dennis Alfaro, Alpha Centauri Information Technology Solutions, the Philippines
Mr. Bibek Adhikari, General Secretary, Youth’s UNESCO Club, Nepal
Mr. Manoj Basnet, Kantipur Media Group, Nepal
Mr. Shishir Pachai, Chief of Staff, Kantipur Media Group, Nepal
Mrs. Dolma Lama, General Secretary, Tamang Society of North America, California, USA; Former President, Rural Community Development Center (RCDC) Nepal
Dr Rana Altounjy, Syria
Dr Dalwinder Kaur, Malaysia
Dr. Şükran Sevimli, Van Yuzuncu Yıl University Faculty of Medicine, Van, Turkey
Mr. Yohannes Sitotaw Addisie, Bio and Emerging Technology Insititute, Ethiopia
Prof. Dr. Nazneen Akhtar, North-South University, Bangladesh
Dr. Margaret Baylon, Youth Peace Ambassador, the Philippines
Mr. Cris John P. Lorena, Youth Peace Ambassador, the Philippines
Shriya Karmacharya, Nepal
Dr. Nusrat F. Chowdhury, Australia
Bibash Karmacharya, Nepal
Ms. Pratikshya Ghimere, International Youth Center, Nepal; Australia
Shanta Sapkota, Nepal
Ms. Tinjechi Berince, Cameroon
Mr. Nabiollah Masoumi, Youth Peace Ambassador, USA; Iran
Ms. Regina Ashi, Cameroon
Mr. Raj Kumar Kattel, International Youth Center, Nepal; Australia
(More to be confirmed!)
Art, Music and STEM Youth Creativity Competitions
There are two main themes for the Creativity Contests, but we will accept creative projects of any subject providing they do not contain abuse to any individual or group of persons. Entries will be asked to categorise their primary subject as either:
1) Light of Hope and Love (A world of Peace and Love); or
2a) Innovation in STEM for Climate Change, or
2b) Future Problem-Solving Life Scenario: Contributions of STEM to Society.
In case your work includes photographs of persons please inform us whether you have permission from someone to include that image. We understand that in some conflict zones, it is not always possible, but please do not self-censor,
For art, prose or music you will be asked to also answer some questions such as What do you want to depict in your work? What human values you hold dear to you and the world? What is your message for Youth and/or Adults? You will retain copyright for your creative works!
We will also ask you to inform us of your age, and whether you would agree to your name and location being associated with a display or publication of your works – In case you are a professional. please mention that also. If you use AI or computer assisted art please mention. In case we think that there may be some security concerns for you, we will also ask you to confirm. Your correspondence will be treated as confidential, and it will not be any disadvantage to request us to be anonymous.
We plan to display the work that we can physically in Los Angeles for a week during the YPA18 programme, and also to have a display of the exhibition at some partner institutions in Native American land. You will be responsible to get your work to us to display, and if you have special considerations please inform us. We will gather physical entries from some locations in the world to bring it together, please inform us.
The judges and advisers include:
Art: Ms. Ryana Acelin (WIJABA, USA); Ms. Maniya Bharatipour (AUSN, Iran); Dr. Wafa Hossain (Navajotech); Dr. Carmela Roybal (Tewa Nation),….
Music: Ms. Claire Rydall (St. James Presbyterian, USA); Dr. Angelica Baylon (MAAP, the Philippines); Dr. Osama Rajhkan (AUSN, Saudi Arabia)…
STEM: Dr. Darryl Macer (AUSN, New Zealand); Dr. Suma Parahakaran (AUSN, Malaysia); Dr. Marlon Lofredo (St. Paul’s University Quezon City (SPQC), the Philippines)…
International Public Health Ambassador Program
An International Public Health Ambassador (IPHA) is an earned title of recognition of dedicated ethical service to a community to promote good practices, a sense of community, and public health. The person should have completed recognised training, have developed and implemented an action plan to improve the health of a community, and have evaluated and assessed the outcomes of their practices. It is not necessarily measured by any specific quantitative measure, and feedback is provided from experts and peers on the parameters of success of each person’s action plan. IPHA General objectives:
° A global network of people empowered to share experiences and exchange ideas on improving health and ethics
° Sharing results of action plans and experiences;
° International projects designed at the forums to be implemented in different countries;
° Qualification of persons formal and non-formal educational qualification (e.g. the AUSN Postgraduate Certificate in Epidemics and Ethical Global Health or the AUSN Postgraduate Certificate in Bioethics and Global Health);
° Ongoing social networking discussions (these may include social media such as facebook and so on);
° Recommendations to governments, industry, professionals, UN bodies, and so on;
° Publications and videos to promote health;
° Translation of theoretical bioethics education into global transformation;
° Upscaling of interventions that are developed to other communities.
The Workshop fee for all 6 days of YPA18 is USD 400 if paid before 20 February (or a daily fee of USD80), or USD 480 on site; and includes registration, lunch, and dinner each day.
The workshop fee for IPHA20 only is USD 200 if paid before 20 Ferbruary 2024, or USD 240 on site; and includes registration, lunch, and dinner each day. The onsite day registration fee is USD100 per day.
The Conference online registration fee (no Certificate included) is USD100.
Payment on-site is in cash. Payment before the conference is via bank transfer, CashApp, Zelle or Paypal. There are no refunds for prepaid registration.
Sponsors are being sought to support the participation of persons in need.
Participants are encouraged to write a letter if you wish to apply for reduced fee or full sponsorship when you apply. There will also be some waivers of fee for prize winners in the Creativity contests. All contributions are welcome and warmly appreciated,
The location is 19414 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana, CA 91356, Los Angeles. At a later stage, we will make some suggestions, and registrants who can share a room to lower costs may share their details with us so we can put registrants in touch with each other for joint bookings.
Post-conference tour
For those who are interested to join a personalised ten year anniversary post-conference tour with Dr. Darryl Macer to Arizona, including sites such as Oak Flat, San Carlos Apache Nation, and a graduation at the Grand Canyon for American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN) alumni, please inquire.
For those who seek University credit attendance can also be credited for the number of hours attended as postgraduate degrees from American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN), or credit for continuing professional development (see
Dr. Darryl Macer, Email:
Mr. Rimesh Khanal: Email:
For the Art, Music, and Creative writing competitions, Dr. Suma Parahakanan, Email:
Further background:
IPHA conferences include paper presentations and public discussion of draft reports from the World Emergency COVID-19 Pandemic Ethics Committee, and thematic discussion. These are also a further training for the International Public Health Ambassador program. The IPHA conferences are in cooperation with the World Emergency COVID19 Pandemic Ethics Committee (WeCope), Eubios Ethics Institute and the Asian Bioethics Association.
Many papers from the earlier International Public Health Ambassador Conference are available in Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics (EJAIB) journal after peer review.
AUSN is happy to receive proposals for cooperative meetings, workshops and conferences on themes consistent with its goals and mandate. AUSN considers conferences and public seminars to be one of its obligations to enhance dialogue and empowerment of the local and international communities.
AUSN has been cooperating with other organizations to hold Conferences around the world since its founding (Refer to the list of past conferences). AUSN cooperates closely with Eubios Ethics Institute and other institutions that we have Collaborative Agreements with.
AUSN Intensive Conferences occur in AUSN locations around the world providing chances for all people to exchange ideas, present their research, and develop questions.
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