Video lectures – Human Research Subjects Protection (HRSP)

These are only some examples of the video lectures for the above course at the American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN).

Enrolled students of AUSN gain credit hours through active live participation in classes. A list of required and elective courses for each degree program are provided in the degree program descriptions.  In addition, they receive the AUSN Video lecture Archive Sheet to record which videos they have watched for additional knowledge. For countries that do not allow Youtube access (Channel: American University of Sovereign Nations), an original file can be shared with enrolled AUSN students. Anyone can request to try out a live AUSN class for free by writing to Dr. Darryl Macer, Provost, AUSN; Email:

AUSN as an intellectual forum for intercultural dialogue upholds the value of academic freedom for all professors and students, and the views expressed in the videos are not those of AUSN. The videos are a selection of the total video archive of AUSN that supplements the contact hours provided by in-person lectures, group skype sessions, and other supervised contact at AUSN.

The course description and expected competencies for this course are provided below. Some students use these videos to prepare for the course examinations, which in AUSN are open book/open Internet exams, where students need to prepare written answers (unless there is some condition that makes an oral exam the only possibility).

Links to example video lectures from the HRSP course

HRSP3,  Prof. Darryl Macer, HUGO Ethics Committee and Genetics and Ethics Guidelines

HRSP7, Prof. Raul Garza Garza , Ethics of Best Clinical Practices in Research (AUSN-IIB workshop)

HRSP8, Prof. Miko Ferine, Patients’ Choice and Consent in Indonesia

BEGE6, RaulGarza2, 21 April 2015, 1 hr, Prof. Raul Garza, Vulnerability Principles and Ethics

HRSP9, Prof.  Irina Pollard, Social Discrimination and Health Disparity Across the Generations: Biological Mechanisms

HRSP10, Prof. Darryl Macer, Bioethics and Research Ethics

HRSP11, Prof. Nilza Maria Diniz, Conflicts of Interest in Research Involving Human Beings

HRSP12, Prof. Anwarullah Bhuiyan, Obtaining Informed Consent in Research: What Can Bangladesh Learn from Japan

HRSP13,  Prof. Krishna Adhikari, How to Resolve Ethical Dilemmas in Clinical Decision Making h

HRSP14, Prof. Shamima Lasker, Knowledge of Ethics Committee (EC) Members Regarding Bioethics and Structure & Function of EC in Bangladesh; Research ethics (ABC19)

HRSP15, Prof. Dr. Darryl Macer, Development of the UNESCO Bioethics Declarations 

HRSP16, Prof. Ahmed Neaz, Global Ethics: From Rhetoric to Reality

HRSP17, Prof. Leonard Le Blanc, Ethical Considerations and Managing Refugee Populations due to Climate Change: A Historical Overview and Recommendations (in Dhaka)

HRSP19, Prof. Shamima Lasker, Academic Integrity

HRSP20, Prof. Leonard LeBlanc, Ethical Considerations and Managing Refugee Populations due to Climate Change: A Historical Overview and Recommendations

HRSP21, Prof. Soraj Hongladarom, Academic Integrity and Ethics


Course details

Course Objectives: The objectives of this course include to review the history of use of human persons in research, including the evolution of medical ethics, human rights, and human subjects protection.

Course Purpose: The purpose of this course is to examine fundamental issues in the ethics of human subjects research, and the regulation of human research subject protection nationally and internationally. 

Topics that are covered:

1. What are Ethics Committees (ECs)? (Credited under BEGE)

2. The historical development of human research protection;

3. Different Types of ECs

4. Procedures of ECs

3. Different Types of ECs

4. Procedures of ECs

5. Educating ECs

6. Helsinki Declaration

7.  Ethics and Health Services and Training

8. Human experimentation and regulations (HHS, FDA, EU), Institutional Review Boards

9. Health Care Management and Standards of Care

10. Informed consent, waivers, vulnerable populations;

11. Ethics in Anthropology and Social Science; Ethics Committees Across Culture

12. Conflicts of interest

13. Publication ethics


(1)       Moral reasoning and ethical theory as it relates to Health Care Ethics Consultations (HCEC).

(2)        Bioethical issues and concepts that typically emerge in HCEC.

(3)        Health care systems as they relate to HCEC.

(4)        Clinical context as it relates to HCEC.

(5)        Health care institution in which the consultants work, as it relates to HCEC.

(6)        Local health care institution’s policies relevant for HCEC

(7)        Beliefs and perspectives of patient and staff population where one does HCEC.

(8)        Relevant codes of ethics, professional conduct, and guidelines of accrediting organizations as they relate to HCEC.

(9)        Health law relevant to HCEC.