Ahmad Neaz, Economics

Ahmad Neaz, Ph.D.

AUSN Visiting Professor of Economics and Social Sciences

Professor and Special Advisor, MPH program, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)


Featured AUSN Video lectures (Youtube links)

Global Ethics: From Rhetoric to Reality

Ethics and Values




Ph.D. in Social Sciences, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium (1982)

M.S. in Industrial Location and Development (Applied Economics), Vrije University Brussels, Belgium (1982)

M.A. in Economics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh (1972)

B.A. (Hons.) in Economics, Rajshashi University, Rajshashi, Bangladesh (1970)

Academic Appointments

Publications include:

(1992) Approach to Development Strategy for Eradicating Hunger and Mass Poverty, Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy.

(1996) Converting Bangladesh's Influential Religious Leaders, Challenges.

(1997) Women and Girls in Bangladesh, Real Lives, IPPF South Asia Region, London, UK.

(1997) Silent Women Revolution- FPAB Implemented Project Would be Showing Significant Achievement, INTEGRATION (a quarterly Journal Published by JOICFP), Tokyo, JAPAN.